This Theda Bara Goddess rules over the Garden

This Theda Bara Goddess rules over the Garden

Thursday, June 23, 2011

This cat lover also loves cat eyes makeup

Today's email from Daily Candy featured a link to a video of a make-up artist Annamarie Tendler explaining how
to create cat eyes using my personal favorite, MAC cosmetics. Thought I'd share it plus have a permanent
link to it on my blog.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Welcome to my lifestyle blog.

Hope you like my garden pictures.  I plan on some garden advice and maybe some tales of my five cats,
Garbo, Dino, Camille, Violet, Milo and the kitty I have not caught yet but whom I feed every day, Shoester. I might add pictures of our grandchildren, fifteen year old Ben and 3 1/2 year old Cleo Valentine. My other blog, Moon in Cancer, is my vehicle for my rage about Republicans and their desire to end Medicare,  Social Security and any and all social safety nets.  Don't get me started.  This is my garden site so I must remember that and not get them confused.

Maroon Clematis blooming now.

Triple petaled lavendar clematis

View from Feng Shui Marriage Corner looking towards house.

My oldest kitty, Miss Garbo

My abundant Wisteria that bloomed this spring.